Japan Exchange is happening this week! Eighteen students, English teacher Ms. Maruoka, and Vice Principal Mr. Ohnishi, are visiting our school.
We are working on the following materials in all classes, with adjustments for level of Japanese:
1. season-appropriate poetry (haiku and tanka)
Happy fall haiku by Masaoka Shiki
Red dragonflies (soar) and clouds disappear from above Mt. Tsukuba.
Rephrase for our occasion
Red dragonflies (soar) and clouds disappear from over Chicago
This celebrates the arrival of our beautiful guests, on a day of beautiful clear fall weather in Chicago.
Fall tanka by Yosano Akiko—与謝野晶子
こんじき の ちいさい とり の かたち して
いちょう ちる なり ゆうひ の おか に
Shapes like small golden birds
On the evening hills, falling leaves of ginko trees
2. bi-lingual readings and discussion of American fall holidays
a. Columbus Day Wikipedia
Many countries in the New World plus elsewhere celebrate the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas, which occurred on October 12, 1492 in the Julian calendar … as an official holiday. The day is celebrated as Columbus Day in the United States, as Día de la Raza in many countries in the Americas, as Día de las Culturas (Day of the Cultures) in Costa Rica, as Discovery Day in the Bahamas, as Día de la Hispanidad and Fiesta Nacional in Spain, as Día de las Américas (Day of the Americas) in Uruguay and as Día de la Resistencia Indígena (Day of Indigenous Resistance) in Venezuela. These holidays have been celebrated unofficially since the late 18th century, and officially in various countries since the early 20th century.
Columbus Day first became an official state holiday in Colorado in 1906, and became a federal holiday in 1934. However, people have celebrated Columbus' voyage since the colonial period. In 1792, New York City and other U.S. cities celebrated the 300th anniversary of his landing in the New World. In 1892, President Benjamin Harrison called upon the people of the United States to celebrate Columbus Day on the 400th anniversary of the event. During the 400-year anniversary in 1892, teachers, preachers, poets and politicians used Columbus Day rituals to teach ideals of patriotism.
提供: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
移動: ナビゲーション, 検索
コロンブス・デー(英語: Columbus Day。発音としてはコロンバス・デイに近い)とは、アメリカ合衆国における、祝祭日のひとつ。10月の第2月曜日となっている。1492年に、北アメリカ大陸に、クリストファー・コロンブスが到着したことを祝う。この日は、ネバダ州、ハワイ州を除くアメリカ合衆国のほとんどの州で休日となる。(但し、一部の州または市では、同じ10月第2月曜を別の祝日として休日にしている場合もある)。
また、スペインによる侵略と殺戮、略奪が始まった日として[1]、ブラジルを除く南アメリカ諸国でも同様の祝日が制定されており、Día de la Raza(ディア・デ・ラ・ラザ 民族の日)という名称などで呼ばれている。
1911年、オナイダ族インディアンのローラ・コーネリアスや、オマハ族のラ・フレスカ姉妹ら、インディアン女性運動家たちは「アメリカインディアン協会(Society of American Indians)」を設立し、「全米インディアン・デー」を提唱した。彼女らは「コロンブス・デー」と同日にオハイオ州コロンバスで第一回決起大会を開き、「インディアンが白人のアメリカを発見した日!」とのスローガンを掲げ、この日に抗議した。
b. Halloween Wikipedia
Halloween (also spelled Hallowe'en) is an annual holiday celebrated on October 31. It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holy day of All Saints, but is today largely a secular celebration.
Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes and attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, ghost tours, bonfires, visiting haunted attractions, pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.
Historian Nicholas Rogers, exploring the origins of Halloween, notes that while "some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, [it is] more typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain or Samuin (pronounced sow-an or sow-in)".[1] The name is derived from Old Irish and means roughly "summer's end".[1] A similar festival was held by the ancient Britons and is known as Calan Gaeaf (pronounced kalan-geyf).
The festival of Samhain celebrates the end of the "lighter half" of the year and beginning of the "darker half", and is sometimes[2] regarded as the "Celtic New Year".[3]
The celebration has some elements of a festival of the dead. The ancient Celts believed that the border between this world and the Otherworld became thin on Samhain, allowing spirits (both harmless and harmful) to pass through. The family's ancestors were honoured and invited home whilst harmful spirits were warded off. It is believed that the need to ward off harmful spirits led to the wearing of costumes and masks. Their purpose was to disguise oneself as a harmful spirit and thus avoid harm. In Scotland the spirits were impersonated by young men dressed in white with masked, veiled or blackened faces.[4][5] Samhain was also a time to take stock of food supplies and slaughter livestock for winter stores. Bonfires played a large part in the festivities. All other fires were doused and each home lit their hearth from the bonfire. The bones of slaughtered livestock were cast into its flames.[6] Sometimes two bonfires would be built side-by-side, and people and their livestock would walk between them as a cleansing ritual.
ハロウィン 、あるいはハロウィーン(Halloween, Hallowe'en) は、カトリックの諸聖人の日(万聖節)の前晩(10月31日)に行われる伝統行事。諸聖人の日の旧称"All Hallows"のeve(前夜祭)であることから、Halloweenと呼ばれるようになった。
これに因み、31日の夜、カボチャ(本来はカブ)をくりぬいた中に蝋燭を立てて「ジャック・オー・ランタン」 を作り、魔女やお化けに仮装した子供達が「トリック・オア・トリート(Trick or treat. お菓子をくれなきゃ、いたずらするぞ)」と唱えて近くの家を1軒ずつ訪ねる。家庭では、カボチャの菓子を作り、子供たちは貰ったお菓子を持ち寄り、ハロ ウィン・パーティーを開いたりする。
c. Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day, Wikipedia
Thanksgiving is presently celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, and has been an annual tradition in the United States since 1863. It did not become a federal holiday until 1941. Thanksgiving was historically a religious observation to give thanks to God, and is still celebrated as such by some religious families, but it is now considered a secular holiday as well. Most Americans celebrate by gathering at home with family or friends for a holiday feast. Though the holiday's origins can be traced to harvest festivals which have been celebrated in many cultures since ancient times, the American holiday is tied to the deliverance of the English settlers by Native Americans after the harsh winter at Plymouth, Massachusetts and that event has become the pre-eminent foundation story for English North America. The First Thanksgiving was celebrated to give thanks to God and the Native Americans for helping the pilgrims survive the brutal winter. Although half of the pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower died; many more would have had it not been for the native Americans teaching the pilgrims to harvest foods. The first Thanksgiving feast lasted three whole days providing enough food for 53 pilgrims and 90 Indians. The traditional Thanksgiving menu consists of turkey, pumpkin pie, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and so on. We may eat these foods on modern day Thanksgiving, but the first feast did not consist of these items. On the first feast turkey was any type of fowl that the pilgrims hunted. Pumpkin pie wasn't on the menu because there were no ovens for baking, but they did have boiled pumpkin. Cranberries weren't introduced at this time. Due to the diminishing supply of flour there was no bread of any kind. The foods included in the first feast included duck, geese, venison, fish, lobster, clams, swan, berries, dried fruit, pumpkin, squash, and many more vegetables.
感謝祭(かんしゃさい、英語: Thanksgiving Day)は、アメリカ合衆国とカナダの祝日のひとつ。Thanksgivingと略称されたり、あるいは七面鳥の日(Turkey Day)と呼んだりもする。アメリカでは11月の第4木曜日、カナダでは10月の第2月曜日になっている。
感謝祭の朝には、大統領が二羽の七面鳥を屠殺される運命から恩赦する(Turkey Pardon)という行事がホワイトハウスで行われる。ニューヨーク市の百貨店メイシーズでは、1924年から毎年(第二次世界大戦のために1942年から1944年まで中断されたことを除き)巨大な風船を用いたパレード「Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade」が恒例行事となっている.また、通常は日曜日と月曜の夜しか行われないNFLの試合が3試合(1970年以降、ダラス・カウボーイズとデトロイト・ライオンズのホームゲーム2試合が行われるのが通例だったが、2006年は、カンザスシティ・チーフスのホームゲームが57年ぶりに感謝祭の日に開催され、2007年は、インディアナポリス・コルツとアトランタ・ファルコンズの試合が開催された)行われる。
感謝祭の翌日の金曜日もBlack Fridayとして祝日扱いとなっており、感謝祭が4連休の祝日となる場合が多い, 感謝祭の前の水曜日から、5 連休の祝日の州もある。感謝祭が過ぎるとクリスマスまで約ひと月となり、クリスマスプレゼントの ショッピングが激化することから、各小売店では感謝祭をクリスマス・セールの前哨戦と位置づけ、客足をあてこんで金曜日から特別セールを行う。金曜日の セールで小売店の収支が黒字になることから感謝祭の翌日を「ブラック・フライデー」、週明けの月曜日に職場の高速回線を利用してウェブ通販でプレゼントを 購入する人が多いことから感謝祭休み明けの月曜日を「サイバー・マンデー」と呼ぶ習慣がある。感謝祭からクリスマスまでのひと月は、小売店の年間の総売上の約半分を占めるという。